When Was The Last Time You Had a Termite Inspection?

Termite damage

With summer fast approaching, now is the time to take a good hard look at your wooden deck and veranda. Visibly it may appear to be in good condition. However, having been exposed to weather and nature for some time, your deck may harbor some unwanted guests. Termites and exposure to rain may have caused concealed damage to your main entertainment area, placing your family and friends at considerable risk of accidental injury.

Why Regular Routine Termite Inspection in Crucial?

Termite damage showed in this photograph was discovered by one of our inspectors who carried out a routine termite inspection in Sydney. This house didn’t have a termite inspection for several years. When our inspector found termites in the deck, and at the time, the damage did not seem to be significant. It appeared to be entirely invisible to the homeowner until after the treatment when the builder wanted to carry out repairs. He removed the external piece of wood when he discovered the unexpected. The building contractor found considerable termite damage throughout the center of the entire length in one of the main supporting structural beams. The deck could have eventually collapsed causing severe injuries to friends and loved ones.

Don’t delay your routine termite inspection until it is too late.  


Many homeowners remain oblivious to termites until severe termite damage occurs. That said, If there are termites anywhere on your property, it is critical to find them early and before severe damage occurs.

This year you may be planning on spending your summer entertaining on your wooden alfresco areas. In that case, it is crucial to have your deck or veranda checked by a qualified and experienced termite inspector.

 Approaching spring and the onset of warmer temperatures may reveal a considerable number of termite infestations across Sydney. Regular structural and termite inspections are essential to ensure the safety of elevated platforms. If you feel unsure or concerned that you may have identified a termite infestation in your deck, then call us immediately. We have experienced termite experts that can carry out a thorough inspection and provide you with appropriate advice.



The deck could have eventually collapsed causing serious injuries to friends and loved ones.


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